All walks of life come with their own norms and sets of rules. From ordering at a restaurant to dealing with others in a business setting, there are certain normal procedures and practices that make things come together well and are easier for everyone involved.
This certainly applies to slot machines and casino gambling. There are some things to remember when it comes to etiquette when heading to the casino. Following some simple concepts and rules when spinning those slot machines rules can only make for an even better experience.
Keep reading to learn more about the rules and etiquette involved with playing slot machines.
Be a Good Neighbor
Perhaps one of the best things to remember when heading to a casino is the golden rule: treat others as you’d like to be treated. That includes slot machine players as well. Being friendly and courteous to those around you can go a long way.
For example, playing multiple machines may be okay when there aren’t too many people in a casino. But playing multiple slots while in a crowded casino can be bad form. When plenty of people are looking to play, sharing is caring.
On a similar note, seats are meant for players only. If some of your slot crew are just sipping a drink, leave the seats for players – especially in a crowded casino. It’s okay to chit-chat with friends, but leave some room for others to play.

Smokers should also be considerate. Avoid bothering others with excessive smoke and keep your puffing in designated smoking areas.
One added consideration is to keep breaks short so that a machine isn’t reserved and out of commission for a long amount of time. When you need a restroom break or to stretch your legs, try to be back in 10-15 minutes. You may even want to tell a staff member that you’ll be returning shortly.
In general, treating others with kindness can always go a long way when playing slots.
Be Kind to Staff
Staff members at most casinos are extremely helpful and generally really looking out for customers. From slot machine attendants to cocktail waitresses to rewards program associates, these employees are hoping to make your gambling experience the best it can be.
Being kind to staff is a good idea no matter how bad a day you may be having or how poor your slot session may be going. These are hard-working individuals hoping to make sure your experience is the best it can possibly be.
Tipping especially-courteous staff members are greatly appreciated. Cocktail waitresses also work for tips, so throwing a couple of bucks their way is always appreciated. Especially big wins may even call for a few extra dollars for those working to help you out.
Don’t Drink Too Much Alcohol
One of the great things about many casinos is that drinks are often free. Whether you’re looking for a martini, frozen margarita, or simply an ice-cold beer, enjoying a few drinks while playing the slots with friends can be a great part of a night out.
Cocktail waitresses work to bring those drinks coming and casinos know some liquid libations can keep gamblers putting a few extra bucks into a machine. But knowing when to say when is also important when partaking in a few cocktails.
The loud drunk person in the casino isn’t always fun and can make others around him or her uncomfortable. Getting intoxicated may also lead to a player gambling way more than his or her budget can cover. A person may also make other mistakes that can lead to losses, such as leaving credits on a machine or leaving a player's card in a game.

A player who drove to the property may also be tempted to get behind the wheel after drinking too much. This is certainly a terrible idea and can have even worse ramifications. A few things to remember if you’re planning on ordering up some cocktails:
Be aware of your surroundings when having a good time with friends and a few drinks.
If you know you’ll be drinking, hitting the casino bar, or heading to a club on the property, go ahead and book a room at the hotel.
Consider using a taxi or rideshare service ahead of time if you’ll be doing some drinking at the casino.
Know when it’s time to wrap up the party and cut yourself off at a nice time to head to the hotel room.
Don’t Hurt the Machines
This idea probably goes along with the third topic in this article – drinking too much. This may sound strange to even say, but taking out your frustrations on the slot machine itself can only lead to trouble – including hurting your hands.
But seriously intoxicated individuals have indeed caused some damage to these expensive slot machines at times. These kinds of angry actions can put casino personnel in a tough spot. Those engaging in destructive tendencies may receive a visit from casino security.

Damaging property can lead to a player being removed from the casino and even banned from the property. Those who really damage a machine may face arrest and prosecution for their actions, making that trip to the casino an even more expensive outing.
Simply put, keep your head and stay rational. Losing at a certain machine? Be smart and find a different machine that fits you better. If things really aren’t going well, consider dropping down in stakes or take a break. Walk for a bit or take a nap in the hotel room – and sober up if needed.
Online Gaming Etiquette
For the most part, all of these concerns don’t really apply when it comes to online slot play – although it’s still not a good idea to drink too much and blow your bankroll. Be smart when it comes to your entertainment gaming budget, even when playing at home.
Some online casinos and gambling platforms offer players the ability to communicate with others via a chat feature, especially in table games. Even when chatting, try to keep your communication civil and friendly.
Gaming should be fun and online arguing and virtual altercations aren’t appropriate and really not worth your time. Keep your conversations short and focused on the games or getting to know others on the platform – but keep any personal identification or information to yourself.
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What are some general ideas to remember involving slot etiquette?
Be kind and courteous to other players and staff. Tipping is also appreciated by staff members.

Can I take a break while playing at a slot machine?
Yes, but keep breaks short so that a machine isn’t reserved and unavailable for too long.

Are drinks free while playing slots?
Many casinos offer drinks for free while playing, but remember to tip waitresses and don’t overdo your drinking. Drunk players might become unruly or tempted to over their gaming budget. Consider getting a hotel room or calling a taxi or rideshare service if you drink too much.